Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex – Solid State Society

Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex – Solid State Society

Running Time: 105 mins

Rated: PG13


GITS:SAC-Solid State Society!, This is a sequel to the television series which I was expecting something really awesome like the GITS movies and TV series, but man it wasn’t as engaging and left me rather disappointed. The other characters seemed rather weak this time around and seem as if they were lost with out the major (i sure as well was) and that defintely contributed to the shallowness of how the storyline was to me. The “Puppeteer” is the antagonist of the movie (yeah I know similiar  name to the Hacking Program from the original movie called the puppet master) and yeah I smelled the irony of the character name a mile away, guess they wanted to give us something from the original movie with the “puppet” name tag but I just wasn’t feeling. I guess I won’t go into many details about the disappointment though, HELL YEAH i will sshh gotta spread the disappointment! Togusa seem lost has hell as the commanding officer in this series (would you really have Togusa as your point man and leave him to do all Wet work!!?!? lets compare to the Major and Batou!). Batou seems uninterested since the Major isnt around (this time around he sucks with out the Major) . The Major was on point as usual but it was depressing to see her for only a bit *siGh*, but her disappearance was justified because it did give the story some nice structuring (WOW did that pay off hugely!!). It was kinda dull till she arrived (duh!!!!) and when she did she brought US a gift The Think-Tanks Tachimokas!!!!!!!! and yeah I loved every second of it!!! yeah yeah yeah  I know I never talked about em in the series reviews (didn’t have the series to be so awesome!!) but you should check out the series to see how much fun they are. The artwork is the standard Stand Alone Complex style which was rather disappointed kinda figured the drawings wouldve looked more refined but hey! guess not :(. The OST for the soundtrack was another disappointment, the tracks weren’t as engaging as they were in the series and they also recycled some of the tracks from the series (awesome as they are!! come on man give us a full OST which wasnt cheated!)which was another disappointed. I recommend this watch to help get you through any Ghost in The Shell: Stand Alone Complex withdrawal symptoms but I dont recommended you see it if you haven’t seen the TV series (and i mean both of em).

3 Stars Out of 5